Sebastian Bialas

Lecturer in German

Sebastian Bialas is a graduate theologist and graduate secondary-school teacher. He studied Art History, Catholic theology and German, and was assistant professor and lecturer for the chair for Old Church History, Patrology and Christian Archeology at Ruhr-University Bochum, as well as assistant professor of the DKM Foundation in Duisburg. He is a Ph.D. student at WWU Münster, working on “Imagination.” He teaches German/Communication and Religion at Konrad-Klepping-Berufskolleg in the city of Dortmund. He is in charge of the school project “Dialog! Künste und Kulturen” (Dialogue! Arts and Cultures), and in this context he has been working closely with Ballet Dortmund for years. Parts of his language lessons take place at the Ballettzentrum Westfalen. He has been lecturing German for beginners at Ballet Dortmund for the NRW Junior Ballet since the season 2014/15.

NRW Juniorballett