

Due to the special commitment and dedication of NRW culture secretary Ute Schäfer, Arnsberg district president Dr. Gerd Bollermann, county commissioner of Ennepe-Ruhr Dr. Armin Brux, and city manager of the city of Dortmund Jörg Stüdemann, the NRW JUNIOR BALLET could be established.

Additionally, its realization was enabled by the generous efforts of both free enterprise sponsors and civil supporters.

The NRW JUNIOR BALLET is financed by the state of NRW, the CITY OF DORTMUND, as well as promoters and sponsors (Wilo-Foundation, Murtfeldt Plastics and Dortmunder Volksbank). The block seminars and individual productions are facilitated by Ballettfreunde Dortmund e.V.. The NRW JUNIOR BALLET is furthermore supported and represented by Norddeutsche Konzertdirektion Melsine Grevesmühl GmbH.



NRW Juniorballett